I declare that my information is true and complete and hereby authorize Nanyang Commercial Bank, Limited ( "the Bank" ) to contact my employers, financial and credit institution or any other credit or information source for the verification thereof and for the collection of such information as required for the processing and evaluation of this application and, if my application is approved, for the operation of my account.
I further authorize the Bank to disclose any information regarding me and/or this application and/or my account with the Bank confidentially to (i) the Bank's employees, agents and contractors for the purpose of processing and verifying this application; and (ii) any third parties employed by the Bank to provide administrative services in connection with the operation of customer accounts and marketing of account services; and (iii) any financial and credit institution or any other institutions from which credit or information source can be provided.
I agree and understand that the data held by the Bank relating to me may be transferred to other places (including another jurisdiction outside Hong Kong) at any time and from time to time where the Bank deems necessary.
I hereby solemnly and sincerely declare that (i) I have never been adjudged bankrupt, or made the subject of any bankruptcy or similar proceedings, or of any receiving or similar order, whether in Hong Kong or elsewhere; and (ii) I have carefully and conscientiously considered the status of my assets and indebtedness. I have no intention to petition for my own bankruptcy or any similar order, or propose to enter into with my creditors any individual voluntary arrangement or similar arrangement, whether in Hong Kong or elsewhere, nor do I see any reason for so bringing any of the above applications or propositions; and I hereby solemnly and sincerely believe and/or declare that no individual and/or entity shall have any reason and/or intention to petition for or be in a position to petition for my bankruptcy or any similar order or legal proceedings, whether in Hong Kong elsewhere.
I understand that the Bank does not accept any unsecured loan application referred by any intermediary or third party. I hereby confirm that my loan application is not a referral by any intermediary or third party.
I declare that I am currently employed and/or have income and understand that the Bank reserves absolute discretion to require me to provide the related documentary proof of identity and income.
I declare that I am currently not involved in any litigation or legal proceedings and I was not involved in any litigation or legal proceedings in the past.
For the avoidance of doubt, I hereby confirm and agree that I shall be liable to repay the principal and interest and other charges relating to the loan regardless of whether I may or may not be the account holder of the Designated Account.
I understand and agree that the Bank will not send me monthly statement of account upon the approval and acceptance by me of this loan application. As a substitute, the Bank will issue a loan advice listing out the repayment and outstanding loan details. A loan repayment record will be provided by the Bank only upon my personal request (Applicable for Instalment Loan only).
I confirm that this loan or any part thereof is not intended to be used for acquiring/investing in properties and/or refinancing of any existing mortgage.
I agree to accept the Facility granted by the Bank at its absolute discretion, whether such facility is equal to or less than the Facility amount applied for in this application form and to be bound by the Terms and Conditions printed overleaf. I agree and acknowledge that the Bank has the absolute right to accept/reject this application without assigning any reason.
I acknowledge that the approval of this application is subject to the final decision of the Bank and/or the related bodies. I understand the Bank's staff application and approval of the Facility are subject to Part 5 of Banking (Exposure Limits) Rules, and the loan amount is determined by the final decision of the Bank.
I understand that remuneration of the Bank's sales staff may consist of fixed and variable components. The award of variable remuneration correlates in part with the staffs performance in financial and non-financial factors.
I understand that the Bank will consider the credit report from TransUnion Limited and authorize the Bank to check my credit information for the collection of such information for one or more than one time where the Bank deems necessary. I may ask for such information from TransUnion Limited directly.
I understand that by making any intentional or negligent misrepresentation(s) and/or providing false information or omitting to provide relevant information in connection with this application, I may incur civil and/or criminal liability and the Bank may not be able to process my application. I have read the content of this Declaration and agree to the above (in particular, the consent given in Conditions 30(ii) of the "Conditions of "Easi-Personal Loan"").
I acknowledge that I have received, read and understood the contents of the attached Conditions of "Easi-Personal Loan", and/or Terms and Conditions of the promotional offers (if applicable), Data Policy Notice (or such other document(s) issued under whatever name from time to time by the Bank and certain of its related entities relating to their general policies on use, disclosure and transfer of personal data (as the same may be amended from time to time), and all written terms, conditions and remarks, and agree to be bound by them.